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Samson Process Verified Programs

Our industry-leading enrollment process is the simplest in the nation, designed to keep your enrolled cattle moving efficiently. With a system that minimizes errors and eliminates delays, we ensure your operation runs smoothly every step of the way.
  • Program cattle can provide the broadest marketing opportunities throughout the supply chain
  • Buyers interested in marketing beef in certain programs need to bid on enrolled cattle
  • Buyers looking for program cattle will compete against buyers hoping to market conventional products

Program Cattle with Less Paperwork

  • Samson is proud to have the most user-friendly enrollment system in the industry
  • We handle as much of the paperwork as possible
  • Samson undertakes all tag lookups for our backgrounder and feedlot customers
  • Shipping documents delivered digitally

Switching to Samson is Simple

  • Eligible cattle easily transfer into our system
  • Samson will perform an initial audit in a timely manner to facilitate a seamless transition
  • Experts are available to answer questions throughout the process


Which programs are right for you?

Let's figure out how to get the most value for your operation.

Source & Age Verification

  • Ideal for producers who want their buyers to know exactly where the cattle came from. This is beneficial for a ranch looking to build a brand or sell beef retail. It is also the building block for all other programs.
  • There are no drug or feed restrictions within this program.
  • Source or Age verification is foundational for customizations in your certification.
Non-Hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC) calves in a pen at a feedlot.

Non-Hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC)

  • Great for producers who want to diversify or expand their pool of buyers
  • These cattle are eligible for export to the European Union
  • There is a building domestic market for NHTC cattle 

Samson Verified Natural (SVN)

  • SVN builds on the NHTC program. It verifies that cattle have not received hormones, antibiotics, ionophores, or animal by products from birth to slaughter
  • There is a domestic market for 'Verified Natural' cattle
  • Qualifying for this program makes you eligible for numerous affidavit programs that can broaden the interest on your cattle
cattle drive-5-Edit-X3
 Not using hormones or antibiotics? You could be leaving money on the table by not enrolling in the NHTC or SVN Program. There are a lot of interested buyers, you may just need to get your cattle enrolled for them to start bidding.

Customize Your Certification

Select additional programs to customize your certification and help build your brand. These are cost-effective ways to individualize your approach to marketing.
Beige Black Bold Minimalist Brand Signature Logo
Show off your Angus genetics with verified Angus Plus
Never Fed Beta Agonists
Interest packers exporting beef by verifying your cattle have never been fed Beta Agonists.
Lifetime Grass Fed Logo-1
Popular for direct-to-consumer and niche markets, certifying this specific feeding protocol can add value in the right market.
Your herd health program is valuable. Let buyers know your calves will have immunity when they ship with a Vet Quality Assurance certification.
Samson Non-GMO verification communicates feeding practices desired by a growing number of end users.
Genetic Validation
Authenticate your genetics. Used in buyback programs for seedstock producers and in supply chains with genetic specifications.

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